Antique Vintage Baseball Bat Hand Turn Rare 33 34 oz. Unique Handle No markings

Antique Vintage Baseball Bat Hand Turn Rare 33 34 oz. From what I can recall I was given this bat by my great uncle when I was a young 9 or 10 year old kid back when he was still alive. My great uncle was born in 1909 and was a Chicago White Sox fan. I don't remember the exact story except that it was acquired by him when he was young from a major league player or equipment manager or something? From a game he attended at the old Comiskey Park baseball stadium in Chicago. No discernible markings or writings on the bat that I can see. Has a unique shaped handle that may give a clue?
To what type of bat or exact era this is from. Ty Cobb era very possible.
Please see the pics for the exact item you will receive. Feel free to ask any questions.