Vintage 1970s Baseball Bats, Johnny Bench, Hank Aaron, H&B/Louisville Slugger

1 lot of Vintage 1970s Baseball Bats (6 bats total) Johnny Bench, Hank Aaron, Hal McRae, Dick Allen. H&B/Louisville Slugger and COX Memphis. All bats are game used, weathered, and have wear/damage from age/garage environment. Only the COX bat is cracked. Vintage Louisville Slugger 125, H&B, R43, Powerized, Hal McRae, 32 Wood Baseball Bat. Vintage H&B, Johnny Bench, Star Player, 29 Wood Baseball Bat. Vintage Louisville slugger 125k, Approved Little League, Henry Aaron Bat, 27 Wood Baseball Bat. Vintage Adirondack 71JF, Dick Allen, 29 Wood Baseball Bat. Vintage COX Memphis, Selected-Seasoned-Hardwood, 29, Little League Approved Wood Baseball Bat. Vintage H&B, 60-21402, Johnny Bench, Little League, 30 Wood Baseball Bat.